Dinner Church:

Every Tuesday EXCEPT THE 2ND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH (when we encourage everyone to attend Taize at Saint Mary of the Woods)  from 6:00 – 8:00 in the evening we fellowship over food and music from 6:00 – 6:30, then watch an episode of “The Chosen” followed by discussion  no later than 8:00 p.m.  Childcare is always available — this is not a carry in dinner but many do bring in side dishes or desserts.

For info on Tiaze visit: spsmw.org/visit/taize/

For info on The Chosen visit: angel.com/watch/the-chosen

Our mission is to join in Christian male fellowship and to share testimony of God’s great work in our lives.

We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00am for breakfast.

We sponsor many events such as youth programs, the National Day of Prayer, Scholarships for members, and fund raising events such as the ice cream social, annual pig roast, and golf tournament.

Men of all ages are invited and encouraged to participate!

Click below for more information…

Men’s Group


The United Methodist Women of Memorial Church lead in a variety of opportunities for fellowship, Christian Study, Mission and Service:

More information on UMW

Memorial Yarn Ministry
leader, Pat Friday

Sewing Stitches
leader, Peggy Nelson

Margaret Circle
leaders, Sally Sudbrink

Triple F – Food, Fellowship & Fun

gathering for our friends of all ages on the 3rd Friday of each month at 11:45 am.

A meal is provided, along with a speaker about various events and issues. Past speakers and topics have included the mayor, a review of the hospital’s new addition, senior eye care, presentations of traveling adventures, and many more! We also have some great holiday parties! Call the church office for more information and to sign up for our next event! (812) 234-0776

Leviticus 19:32 “Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.”